Beauty, Fashion, Life Lessons & Inspiration, Lifestyle, Review, self-care, Uncategorized

Fashion Video Blog/Vlog | Destroyed Fishnet Denim by Voguish Fashion

I am so excited to share this fashion video with you guys today! It’s been a year and two months since I gave birth to my second daughter. With everything that has been going on I have not had the time to exercise or get into a fitness regimen. However, I have been very focused on eating healthy. I am also under a considerable amount of LESS STRESS!. Today, I am super happy with the way my body looks. I have begun to feel like my old self again. So ladies, give your bodies time to adjust after giving birth. I can’t tell you how important this is mommies. It is challenging enough being a full-time mom so anything and anyone that does not positively add to your life and overall well-being MUST be removed. Self-care is so important when you are a mom. How can you be there for your children and/or the people you love if you are not healthy? It’s just not possible. So take care of you and engage in activities that bring you nothing but joy and peace.

I created this video for Voguish Fashion Boutique. I just Loved! how these jeans fit. High waist cuts look great on me and are very flattering on just about any body shape. The frays and fish net really add an edge to this look. Of course this season is all about the shoulders and I am showing mine off for sure here!

Don’t forget to like this video and share! Subscribe to the channel too!

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IG: @voguishfashionboutique


Twitter: @Voguish_Fashion

Beauty, Health and Wellness, Review, Videos

How to Straighten Natural Hair with Straightening Brush by Asa Vea


Hello Mommies! This video is a tutorial on how I straightened my hair with a hair straightening brush by Asa Vea. This process did not deliver bone straight hair, but definitely made the hair softer and much more manageable. It got rid of all the kinks and shrinkage and gave me a lot of length.

Products used:
1. Asa Vea Straightening Brush on Amazon –
2. Hair clips
3. Rat Tail comb
4. Fantasia High Potency Heat Protectant on Amazon –

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IG: @4momslikeme
Facebook: @4momslikeme
Twitter: @4moms_like

Family, Life Lessons & Inspiration, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

 5 Things You Can Do to Beat The Monday Blues

The phrase #MondayBlues has been quite a popular idiom for some time now. Though the phrase can have multiple meanings, for the most part it speaks to a feeling of melancholy or sadness that Monday brings mostly because it’s the first day of the work week after the weekend. Let’s face it, we all crave for longer weekends. We crave more time at home with the family, more vacations and just more time in general. The reality is however…well reality.

For those of us with 9 to 5’s if you really did the math you will realize that you spend more time in your office fulfilling your roles and functions than you do at home. The work life balance for many of us really isn’t  much of a balance at all as we know that work is paramount to life. It’s how we pay the bills, pay for daycare and put food on the table and gas in our cars.

When we really look at this process it’s difficult not to see this as modern day slavery in some sense. Our time is clocked and monitored by a job. They tell us when to come in and when to leave. They even dictate when we can have lunch and for how long. They tell us how much we are worth by the salaries we are paid and we do it all for money that we need to survive.

There’s no surprise therefore that when Monday comes around we are feeling a little bluesy. There are however a few small things we can do to override those Monday Blues and start the work week off on positive note.


1. Be Positive


Instead of looking at Mondays in a negative light try making the first day of the work week about setting the stage for how you want your entire week to flow. Remember you are what you think. So make your Mondays more about fresh beginnings and chose a positive phrase or mantra to focus on not just for Monday but the entire week and repeat it to yourself every time you feel those blues setting in.

2. Set Goals


I’m so big on goal setting. Not only does it give you something to work towards but goals are positive actions that force you to focus consistently in order to achieve them. Goals can be long-term or short-term and they can even change and/or evolve as you go along. The important thing is to stick to them.

3. Pray or Meditate


This is a big one. Prayer and meditation are the key to creating and maintaining balance in your life. Having a connection to God through prayer and thanksgiving (or gratitude) helps keep you grounded and keeps things in perspective. It also helps you to foster an attitude of faith, which we can all use a dose of. Meditation keeps our spirit centered and connected to our life source. It brings us peace and solitude and gives us that alone time that we as a people seem to keep losing each day as we are constantly always “On”. Put away the phone and your computer for a few minutes everyday and just enjoy the moment. I particularly like doing this at the beginning of my morning. Begin your Mondays in solitude and prayer.

4. Exercise


So I always have an excuse as to why I can’t seem to put an exercise regimen in place consistently. Usually my one excuse is time. But seriously you just need to MAKE TIME. I know this may be easier said than done, I mean as busy moms we are literally all over the place, taking care of everyone but ourselves. Start your Monday off with a quick workout at home. There are so many benefits to exercise. It’s not just about the physical. Daily exercise can also increase your overall mental feeling of well-being. I found an app called “Circuit Training Assistant Pro” that has a great list of exercises under 10 minutes that are very effective. Find it in your Google Apps Here.

5. Make it About You


Self-Care is a must. Taking care of everyone else is great. In fact I enjoy doing it and I am sure that all you moms like me out there,  you enjoy doing it too. There’s just something about us women. I think we were genetically made to be s-heroes. I mean, we do it all. But there must be a time for you. Self-Care is about balance. At least once a week pick an activity that you enjoy doing and carve some time out of your schedule to do it. Whether it’s going to your favorite coffee shop, hanging out with your girls going to the spa or just taking a nice long bubble bath. So whether it’s a Monday, Wednesday or Saturday find the time to do you!

Make your Mondays more about #motivation than the #blues.

Happy Monday! #MotivationMondays

Life Lessons & Inspiration, Videos

7 Must See Animated Videos for Moms 

Hello moms! You may have already seen my animated video that talks about who I am and what my new 4momslikeme blog is all about. What I was most amazed at while setting up my YouTube vlog channel was the number of brands creating their own stories online with animation. I decided to create a list of my top 7 animated videos to share with you. BEWARE! Some videos may cause tears or laughter. Enjoy! 

7 Must See Animated Videos For Moms:

Beauty, Lifestyle, Videos

How to Style Natural Hair with Curling Rods: Part 2

Hello Mommies! This week’s video is the second installment to last week’s curling rod tutorial, except this time, I’m using the curling rods over my entire head without flat twisting the hair.

I have never done this before so I’m putting it all out there for you to see. (that’s why this video is sooo long!!) The good news is I am really pleased with the results. You should definitely try this look as well if you want to switch things up a bit.

Please share, like and SUBSCRIBE to this video! See you next time!



An Ode To My Vintage Fur

I bought this fur coat a while back at one of my favorite vintage stores in NYC for a whopping $20 bucks!! Yup! It’s  been over two years and I’ve probably only worn it once. So I decided I needed a reason to put this beautiful fur on and of course document it! Lol

I had my husband take these pics in front of an amazing graffiti wall that was painted by @nikolaikhan #thinknyc

Check out the tiara! I needed a bit of a queen vibe to go with the mood that fur coat had me in…lol

Disclosure: This is a faux fur coat. Save the animals! 

Beauty, Videos

How to Style Your Natural Hair with Curling Rods

Hello Mommies! So this natural style is great for days when you feel like switching up your look or maybe just trying something new. It’s an easy style to accomplish, but it may take some practice.

This look gives your natural hair some very beautiful bouncy curls. You should chose your curl rod size depending on how defined you want your curls and how long your hair is.

Take a look and let me know your thoughts. If you have any questions email me at

You can purchase any of the products I used in this video at your local beauty supply store and of course on amazon.